Tuesday 20 November 2012

Day 2 - 12/11/2012

Today, mute and I hopped on the train back into Victoria Station, in order that we could carry out todays proceedings. Once in Victoria, we weaved past the numerous crowds of people, who were sluggishly dragging themselves to work, but we were not sluggish, we were excited. After a quick trip on the underground, and a quick walk we were in Westminster. As we stood and stared at the houses of Parliament wondering how many biscuits the prime minister had eaten that morning,  we were in awe of the architecture. Gothic Tudor. The houses of Parliament were rebuilt after a fire had burnt down eveything, except the hall, which they had managed to save. Truly a masterpiece!

Suddenly, we had a spur of the moment idea (which detoured massively from our Tudor agenda), we wanted to take a ride on the London Eye, and see the City in all it's glory. Running off to the ticket office, we paid the extortiante price of £18.50 each, and 10 minutes later, and a confiscated bottle of mead, we were in the pods. Having a trip on the London Eye was something on my bucket list, so I was happy dispite the mead situation. Below you can see a picture of Buckingham Palace from our pod, this is the first time I have ever seen the palace with my naked eye!

Good Morning Your Majesty!
As more, and more of London came in to view, I was beginning to picture together what London might have looked like before the Great Fire had struck in 1666. If only the original London Bridge was still there, imagine all the history it has seen, not to mention the decapitated heads of notorious traitors. Featured below is a print that I got from the British Library on a previous trip, of the City of London, before the Great Fire of London struck.
The City Of London, before the Great Fire of London, within the print you can see London bridge.
After half an hour (which felt like five minutes) our trip had come to an end. After much talk on the various buildings we had seen, mute and I made our way to Westminster Abbey, we had originally intended to visit Westminster Abbey (like we had last year) to see Henry VII's Lady Chapel. However, we ended up taking a walk around the Abbey's Remberance Poppy Field for all the fallen soldiers, who had fought for our country. Whenever, we hear of the numerous deaths from the World Wars it's hard to imagine the scale, but the field, really put the numbers into perspective, and of course that was only a small portion. The picture below will show you what I mean:
'Lest we forget...'
After walking round, and giving thanks to those who gave there lives, we made our way out of Westminster Abbey to the Cenotaph just down the road, which the Queen and many other military heroes had laid wreaths of poppies down on, the day previously. I had always seen the Cenotaph on the television, but to see it in person was something else all together.

The Cenotaph - An empty tomb used to commemorate the soldiers/heroes who fought for the country.

After a moments silence out of respect for the fallen, mute and I made our way to our next Tudor destination, the National Portrait Gallery. This was my second visit to the National Portrait Gallery, and much to our disappointment the exhibit that we were there to see, was closed. The Tudor exhibit. I have, included below a picture of one of the most famous portraits that hangs in the gallery, that of Anne Boleyn. Although the portrait has been identified as a later portrait, and therefore can not show her true likeness, the picture I feel helps show some of the mystery of the infamous Anne, and how she managed to attract a King like Henry VIII.

Anne Boleyn - This was the portrait I really wanted to see.
We didn't stay long at the National Portrait Gallery (We aren't fans of Modern Art), although we did wander around the Stuart exhibition. In which we marvelled at the different styles and paint strokes of the various artists. The next destination was The British Library in Euston Road, and after a quick lunch from a nearby cafe, we made our way there with much haste. The library was to be our last destination of the day, and I was eager to show Mute the many illuminations, and manuscripts on display.
Unfortunately, you are not allowed to take pictures within the British Library exhibit, so therefore we were unable to obtain pictures. Admittedly, if we were I would be photographing everything. Nevertheless, I will tell you of some of the treasures that the library houses, and why I find them so fascinating. Within the exhibit, they have Lady Jane Greys book of hours, which is inscribed with her own fair hand. To see the book of a Lady, who only ruled for nine days, and had such an affect within Tudor monarchy is something in which I will never forget. The detailing of the book is magnificent, and helped show Jane's status in society, and helps show her studious, and pious nature. There is also a letter from Elizabeth I to her brother Edward VI, in which she is pleading to see her brother, but to no avail. It is wonderful to see the elegant style in which Elizabeth writes, just one of her many talents.
There is also, the Coronation book of Anne Boleyn, which shows the detailed planning and events of what took place on the very day of Anne's Coronation. The picture below shows Anne at the head of the table, dining, following her crowning. Henry was overlooking Anne, out of sight of the many Nobles and Courtiers, so as not to draw distraction from Anne on her big day. How thoughtful, eh?

If you get the chance to visit the exhibit at the British Library, please do, it is amazing to think what other wonders of Tudor significance might be hiding within the sacred walls. After, what felt like ten minutes, but what was infact an entire afternoon, Mute and I left the library, quite mesmerised, and travelled by train to Windsor ready for the next day. And we slept so soundly due to the large amount of travelling we had done that day - result!

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